Thursday, September 20, 2018

What is Detox Water?

DETOX WATER or FRUITS / VEGETABLES - INFUSED (Flavored) WATER is water that has been infused with the flavors of fresh Fruits, Vegetables or Herbs.

It can be made at home in lots of different ways, using any combination of fruits, vegetables and herbs of your choice.It is a flavored water. We do not blend the contents in water. So, it contains very few calories. 

It is recommended to drink at least 8 - 10 glasses of water in a day but some people think adding extra ingredients (such as fruits and vegetables) to water boosts its health benefits. The result is DETOX WATER.

It helps your body get rid of toxins, improve your energy levels and help you lose weight.

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Sunday, September 2, 2018

Remedies Through Belly Button (Navel)

Our Belly Button (NAVEL) is an amazing gift given to us by our creator. A 62 year old man had poor vision in his left eye. He could hardly see especially at night and was told by eye specialists that his eyes were in a good condition but the only problem was that the veins supplying blood to his eyes were dried up and he would never be able to see again.

Applying OIL to Belly Button CURES "Dryness of Eyes, Poor Eyesight, Pancreas Over or Under working, Cracked Heels and Lips, keeps Face Glowing, Shiny Hair, Knee Pain, Shivering, Lethargy, Joint Pains, Dry Skin".



At Night, Before Bed Time, Put 3 Drops of "PURE GHEE or COCONUT OIL" in your Belly Button and spread it 1 & Half Inches around your Belly Button. 


At Night, Before Bed Time, Put 3 Drops of "CASTOR OIL" in your Belly Button and spread it 1 & Half Inches around your Belly Button.


At Night, Before Bed Time, Put 3 Drops of "MUSTARD OIL" in your Belly Button and spread it 1 & Half Inches around your Belly Button.


You belly button can detect which veins have dried up and pass this oil to it hence open them up.

When a baby has a stomach ache, we normally mix Asafoetida (Hing) and Water or Oil and apply around the naval. Within minutes the ache is cured. Oil works the same way.

Belly Button (NAVEL) - An Amazing Gift to us

The Belly Button is indeed the most Important and Amazing Part of human body. It is well placed exactly in the middle of the Belly & also well known as Navel or Tummy Button. Besides its very small size, it's one of the most incredible part of our body.

According to Science, the first part created after conception takes place is the belly button. After it’s created, it joins to the mother’s placenta through the umbilical chord. 

Our belly button is surely an amazing thing! According to science, after a person has passed away, the belly button is still warm for 3 hours the reason being that when a woman conceives a child, her belly button supplies nourishment to the child through the child’s belly button. And a fully grown child is formed in 270 days = 9 months.

This is the reason all our veins are connected to our belly button which makes it the focal point of our body. Belly button is life itself!

The “PECHOTI” is situated behind the belly button which has 72,000 plus veins over it. The total amount of blood vessels we have in our body are equal to twice the circumference of the earth.

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