Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Health Tip: Facts about Guavas

Guava Nutrition Facts -
It contains many vitamins and minerals such as; iron, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, fiber, potassium, calcium, manganese and copper. Juice it with other fruits and make yourself an anti aging drink, make sure you use the softer ones for this.

Guava  can either be pear shaped or round depending on the variety, the fruit has a sweet and sour taste which will depend on its ripeness, and it has little edible seeds.
They come in colors pink, yellow, white or red, and can be soft when ripe or have a crunchy feel about them.  The health benefits of guava are full of  fiber, making them a great  fat burning food.   They also contain antibacterial properties and can help the body remove toxins.

Guava Fruit Facts
  • relieve high blood pressure
  • relieve constipation
  • strengthen poor blood circulation
  • help ease long menstruation
  • great for helping to relieve coughs and colds
  • help lower high cholesterol
  • good for asthma sufferers
  • protect the heart from heart disease
  • help with weight loss (will easily satisfy hunger)
  • help prevent prostate cancer
  • help relieve diarrhea
  • good for digestion
  • ease congestion of lungs
  • the juice of the leaves can help relive a toothache
  • Guava Skin Care
    Using the pulp in a drink or directly onto your skin, can help maintain elasticity, smoothness and tone your skin.  The pulp contains essential fatty acids which will help keep you looking younger, and give you beautiful skin.
    Juicing the pulp can help prevent bad breath, and when applied to your scalp can give you a natural way to help prevent dandruff.
    Boiling the leaves of this fruit can be used on the skin to help heal acne.
    The white pulp may help with fading stretch marks.

    Guava Recipes
    There are many wonderful recipes you can include this fruit.  A popular one is making  jam, you can make a tart, chutney the list goes on.  Making a jam is a great way for the kids to enjoy it on their toast.
    Looking younger is not a chore it is an enjoyment, and with the array of amazing fruits at our disposal fighting aging has never been easier.  Now you have the amazing guava fruit facts, there is no excuse to not looking your best.

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