Thursday, August 15, 2013

Health Benefits of Tulsi (Holy Basil) PART-1

Tulsi, known as Holy Basil in English is a common herb found in most of Indian homes as a part of their spiritual and also its medical properties. A herb standing not more than 3 feet, with small green leaves, Tulsi has immense medicinal properties like anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, germicidal etc... from its essential oils. The extracts obtained from the plant are extensively used for curing various diseases like common cold, malaria, heart disease, headaches, inflammation, stomach disorders, kidney stones, heart disorders, and many more. The Indian basil also aids in the purification of atmosphere. Though it is not practical to list all of them, take a look at how you could benefit from it.

Common cold and fever
The benefits of Tulsi has been proven in science that Tulsi based cough syrup has been out in the market.
For the simple reason that its caused by various viruses, the body never gets immunity against them. The only way body can fight common cold is by consuming something with anti-viral properties usually in the form of tablets/syrups. Tulsi can be natural medicine towards common cold because of its anti-viral properties. A common way to exercise Tulsi is by collecting a bunch of its leaves, washing them, placing them on one of your palms and rubbing them vigorously with the thumb of your other hand to get the juice out of the leaves. Let the juice drip down through your fingers and you can collect them in a bowl. A tablespoon of juice will do the job. Tulsi juice is bitter. A good option is to add a bit of honey into it, mix it and have it. Recommended dosage would be twice a day. Fever is caused majorly by viruses, bacteria and protozoa, fever can be simple fever to fatal ones like Malaria and flu. The application of Tulsi in fever has been practiced in India for years, right from the days Ayurveda started to be documented. The best way is to prepare a tulsi decoction along with black pepper and drink it twice a day. The anti-viral, germicidal properties do their job.

For malaria fever: Mix 5-7 leaves with powdered black pepper and eat the mixture.
For fever:It is every effective in bringing down the high temperature.Extract of Tulsi leaves in fresh water should be given every 2 to 3 hours.

Respiratory disorders
Tulsi essential oil contains Camphene, Cineole and Eugenol. These oils help get relief during respiratory disorders like bronchitis, pharyngitis, chest congestion, asthma and common cough. Drinking Tulsi decoction twice in a day will help you get a good relief and resistance towards these disorders. If you steam, you can also put few leaves or flowers into the water in the vaporizer.

For cough: One of the easiest home remedies for a cough is Tulsi. For any kind of cough, drink drink Tulsi tea. Add 5-10 Tulsi leaves to hot water and let it boiled for couple of minutes. Then drink it number of times a day.
For asthma: Mix black Tulsi with and take regularly. This helps in reducing asthmatic complaints.

Anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties
Tulsi is an effective medicine towards recovery of lung cancer and tuberculosis cause by smoking. The anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties aren't strong enough to stop them while smoking; however it may delay the consequence or may reduce the impact.

Oral health
Though bitter chewing Tulsi leaves fight against bad breath and is a good mouth freshener. However it is not recommended to chew it for a very long time as it may cause blisters and burn in your mouth. Over 99% germs are destroyed by chewing Tulsi leaves and this has been proved in studies which validates that the anti-bacterial and germicidal properties do work. Tulsi also has astringent properties that help the gums hold the teeth.

Eye Protection
Water in which Tulsi leaves has been soaked, when used to rinse your eye reduces the eyes' vulnerability to conjunctivitis, vision defects, boils, viral and bacterial infections in the eye. Camphene is a cooling agent. Eugenol has antioxidant properties that protect eyes and other organs from free radicals. These properties reduced the stress in and around the eye. People staring at the computer screen for a long time can feel the difference. It is also believed that tulsi can reduce changes of cataract.

Migraine and other headaches
Headaches resulting from sinus, migraine and common cold can be cured with Tulsi. Tulsi has got analgesic and sedative properties due to camphene. It boots your immune system against sinus, common cold, pharyngitis etc… Tulsi is one of the main ingredients found in ayurvedic supplements like Chyawanprash and other lehyams.

Sparkling enope squids also known as firefly squids [Toyama Bay, Japan] which average about 15cm long and die after only a year of life. Found in the depths of the Western Pacific ocean, they come up to the surface at night to hunt for food. The bioluminescence which lights up the photo is produced by organs called photophores, which are located at the end of each tentacle. The squids use this light to lure the prey and attract a mate. 

Health Benefits of GREEN TEA

Green tea has been around for about 5,000 years, dating back to the Chinese, who used it medicinally.  More recently, green tea’s health benefits — especially its potential to fight cancer and heart disease — have attracted considerable attention.  There is also ongoing research to suggest that green tea may have a role in lowering cholesterol, burning fat, preventing diabetes and stroke, and staving off dementia.
Here’s why you should consider drinking (more) green tea:
  • Heart-Healthy.  Green tea may protect against coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, high triglycerides, and hypertension.  The tea may also offer benefits reducing stroke risk and brain damage, and may help speed recovery from heart attack.  Green tea may also be useful as a treatment for high LDL cholesterol.
  • Anti-Cancer.  Green tea may protect against some cancers because of its high antioxidant content, and certain compounds in the tea may prevent the formation of new blood vessels that feed tumors, according to the American Cancer Society.
  • Prevent Diabetes.  Green tea has shown the potential to be used as a natural method of controlling blood sugar levels.
  • Healthy Gums.  Green tea may help prevent gum disease and cavities because it acts as an antibacterial, and green tea leaves contain fluoride, a substance known to prevent cavities.
  • Lose Weight.  The combination of caffeine and catechins(antioxidants) in green tea may boost metabolism and burn fat.  This benefit is specific to visceral fat, the type that accumulates in the tissues of the abdominal cavity and around the intestines.
  • Protect Your Brain.  Green tea’s catechins may offer a variety ofneuroprotective benefits, resulting in a reduction in damage to brain cells. This may be of particular benefit to those at risk for or suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or a general decline in mental sharpness.
  • Stay Healthy.  Although research is ongoing, green tea appears to have both antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Sweeten your tea with a spoonful of honey, and make it even healthier.  Honey is a natural energy booster, immune system builder, and cancer fighter.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Health Tip: Facts about Honey

Benefits of Honey for Health Human Body
Honey has been known since 10,000 years ago. This is evidenced by the discovery of an ancient painting in a cave that is in Valencia, Spain.

In the picture seen two men using a ladder was reaching to take the honey bee hive.

Origin of Honey
Honey has a sweet and shaped like a thick syrup. Honey produced by bees with nectar raw materials. Nectar is a complex compound produced crop gland in the form of sugar solution.
Change process nectar into honey begins when the bees carry nectar to the hive. This nectar is then mixed with saliva and reduced water levels by worker bees to avoid fermentation process.
Worker bees chew the nectar by adding diastase and invertase enzyme, so that the nectar of a pale yellow viscous liquid with a distinctive aroma of honey.

Nutrient Honey 
In every 100 grams of honey there are different variants of the essential nutrients the body needs, such as:
· Energy 294 calories
· Carbohydrate 9.5 g
· 24 g water
· Phosphorus 16 mg
· Calcium 5 mg
· Vitamin C 4 mg
Not only that, honey also has other important minerals such as sodium, magnesium, za iron, and potassium. Although needed in small amounts, the mineral content has a considerable role for the survival of the body's metabolic processes.

Health Benefits of Honey

In addition to having a complete nutrition, honey can also provide a variety of health benefits for those who eat them. The health benefits of eating honey on them:
· Sources of Energy : Ancient Roman and Greek athletes at that time using honey as energy drinks are consumed before and after the match. For hundreds of years honey has been known as the best energy source. Sugar content in honey is the most logical reason, since sugar is the body's main energy source.
· Accelerate Wound Healing : Honey works as a natural antibiotic that was able to defeat the deadly bacteria. Honey is acidic, while bacteria can not breed in acidic conditions. Osmosis process in the honey can combat bacteria and absorb water from the bacterial skin wounds, such as a sponge absorbs water. In fact, RS University of Wisconsin Medical School and Public Health provide honey for wound therapy ulcers suffered by diabetics. The trial of a 79-year-old patient successfully heal wounds on his toes. The patient does not even amputated thanks to the honey treatment.
· Sugar Substitute : Honey can be mixed into drinks or food preferences. If you like to drink tea, try replacing sugar with honey as a sweetener.
· Prevent Cancer : Carcinogenic substances in honey acts as an anti-cancer so as to reduce the risk of cancer, especially for those at high risk of developing cancer, such as smokers, consuming liquor, lazy to exercise, and more.
· Help Calcium Absorption : The research team at the University of California proved that honey consumption can increase antioxidants in the blood. In fact, honey can help the absorption of calcium so that the body can use the calcium more optimal, especially for preventing bone disease.

Health Tip: Facts about Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Benefits for Health

Like most other succulents, Aloe Vera too contains self-healing properties. Therefore, from ancient times Aloe Vera has been considered the most incredible herb, superior to garlic, in offering innumerable benefits.

 Eliminates Cancer Tumour

Aloe Vera helps terminate cancer cells and tumors as Polysaccharides, a substance, found in Aloe Vera with increased production of nitric oxide, a chemical, with an ability to weaken and reduce cancer tumours. Acemannan, a phytonutrient found in Aloe Vera has anti-cancer properties with an ability to quicken the obliteration of cancer cells and tumors. They also help recoup from lethal cancer treatments.

 Cures Radiation Burns

Aloe Vera acts as a curative to burns obtained from Radiotherapy treatment for cancer.  Internal and external uses of Aloe Vera quicken the healing process and provide immense relief.

Eases Inflammation

Regular consumption of Aloe Vera juice for over fifteen days help alleviate symptoms of inflammation in the body such as rheumatism, arthritis and inflammation of the eyes and ears.  External application of the gel helps ease muscle and joint pain.

Boosts Nourishment

This wonder herb has the capacity to augment the antioxidant effects of certain vitamins such as vitamins E and C.This is due to its ability to enhance the quality of blood and help carrying the essential nutrients and the oxygen efficiently to the body’s tissues and cells.

Promotes Digestive Health

Polysaccharides provide therapeutic benefits. Consumption of Aloe Vera juice provides relief from digestional disorders.  It eliminates gastrointestinal disorders such as heart and acid reflux, stabilises the alkaline acid in the body, prevents symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, acts as a laxative and avoids constipation.  Hence, Aloe Vera offers excellent cure for ulcers, Celiac and Crohn’s diseases.

Improve Circulatory Health

A sedentary lifestyle combined with a diet rich in junk food containing high amounts of salt, saturated fats and hydrogenated oils lead to clumping of the blood cells leading to life threatening diseases. These clumps obstruct sufficient supply of oxygen and other essential nutrients to the cells, tissues and the braindue to an obstruction caused by clumping of blood cells in the circulatory system. Nevertheless, Aloe Vera helps ease blood stickiness making the blood less sticky thus promoting circulatory health.

Regulates Blood Pressure

With its ability to reverse blood stickiness, and promoting circulatory health by making the blood flow smoothly, preventing the heart from pumping forcibly Aloe Vera helps lower high blood pressure.

Prevents Heart Attack and Stroke

Since Aloe Vera enhances the quality of blood by making it less sticky and prevent clumping of the blood cells, they prevent the risk of developing heart attacks and stroke.

Manage Diabetes

Since Aloe Vera contains anti diabetic properties, they help manage diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar levels. They also augment circulatory health thus preventing numbness in the hands and legs, one of the major symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Prevents Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Aloe Vera helps balance blood chemistry improving the viscosity of the blood. This helps maintain healthy triglyceride and cholesterol levels, improving cardiac performance.

Protects renal health

According to recent studies Aloe Vera, is beneficial for particular kinds of renal diseases as they help flush out excess water from the body. They prevent renal diseases caused by Type 2 diabetes.  This was evident in rats with diabetic induced kidney disease who when ingested with aloe vera showed remarkable improvement in their condition. They protect the body against the risk of kidney stones by defending oxalates from invading the body.

Encourages Gynaecological Health

The miracle herb aids healthy functioning of the uterus and regulates menstruation and cure fibroids and ovarian cysts with herbal treatment. Since they contain antimicrobic properties, they impede fungal bacterial and viral infections like herpes and Candida infections thereby preventing vaginal itching. The plants anti-inflammatory substances protect against gynaecological related inflammations.

Provides First Aid solution

Aloe Vera comes in handy and acts as an excellent first aid solution. They make excellent dressing for wounds by increasing the blood flow, protecting the skin against harmful bacteria and infections thus hastening the healing process.  They also cure third degree burns, reinstate normal skin and prevent blisters. They protect the tissue damage from frostbite and protect the skin from the harsh rays of the skin preventing sunburns.

Treats Skin Ailments

Aloe Vera is very effective in treating and preventing skin disorders, due to its ability to seep through the multiple layers of the skin. Therefore, it is beneficial for disorders such as herpes, eczema, psoriasis, Lichen Planus, dermatitis and skin allergies.

Support Dental Health

Aloe Vera is useful for strengthening the gums and promoting strong healthy teeth. Most toothpaste available in the market contains Aloe Vera as the main ingredient therefore preventing bad breath. As an alternative remedy, massaging the gums and teeth with Aloe Vera may be very useful.

Aloe Vera Benefits For Skin

Enhances skin health

Pampering the skin with Aloe Vera provides wonderful benefits for the skin. Therefore, it is widely used as a main ingredient in many beauty products and cosmetics to enhance the skin tone.


The amazing moisturising substances in the plant provide ample hydration, getting rid of dead cells, keeping the skin soft, supple and glowing.


They reduce dark spots pigmentation dark patchy, dry flaky skin and freckles rendering a healthy glow to the face.

 Aloe Vera for Acne

The anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera prevent the outbreak of acne and pimples, healing the lesions and the acne scars effectively.


Aloe Vera has the capability of stimulating the production of collagens and elastins, resulting in skin rejuvenation and reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.


Aloe Vera is a wonderful remedy for removing suntan and for promoting a glowing even complexion devoid of dark patches.

Stay Healthy