Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Important Fact Related to "CORONA VIRUS"


  • Corona virus is large in size where the cell diameter is 400-500 micro and for this reason any mask prevents its entry so there is no need to use pharmacists to trade muzzles.
  • The virus does not settle in the air but is grounded, so it is not transmitted by air.
  • Coronavirus when it falls on a metal surface, it will live 12 hours, so washing hands with soap and water well enough.
  • Corona virus when it falls on the fabric remains 9 hours, so washing clothes or being exposed to the sun for two hours meets the purpose of killing it.
  • The virus lives on the hands for 10 minutes, so putting an alcohol sterilizer in the pocket meets the purpose of prevention.
  • If the virus is exposed to a temperature of 26-27 ° C. it will be killed, as it does not live in hot regions.  Also drinking hot water and sun exposure will do the trick And stay away from ice cream and eating cold is important.
  • Gargle with warm and salt water kills the tonsils' germs and prevents them from leaking into the lungs.
  • Adherence to these instructions fulfills the purpose of preventing viruses.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest.

We all MUST watch this & share with other Family & Friends. A small glimpse can make you enable to help someone in need.

Hear out from the Rescuer & the Survivor:

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Mint use in Arthritis

Take few leaves of Mint (Fresh or Dried) and a glass of water. Boil this till it becomes nearly half a glass. One can drink this water twice a day. This home remedy helps in Arthritis.

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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Use of Coriander in Diabetics

Diabetic patients must add Coriander in their daily diet in various forms. It helps in adding insulin in the body & reduces the glucose levels in the blood. 

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Marigold Flower for healing of an Injury, Swelling or Sprain

For a relief from any of these problems, you need to make a paste of the Marigold flower petals. Apply the paste on the affected part (external) of the body. One can experience the change in the intensity of the problem. It'll relieve the discomfort. One can repeat the procedure till the problem is completely healed.

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Remedy for "Ulcer in Stomach"

For people suffering from the disease of  "Ulcer in Stomach", vegetable of Green Banana is an absolute panacea. It gives an immense relief to the patient & helps in the healing very effectively. It should be taken care that, the cooked vegetable should not have added spices.

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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Best time to Eat "PULSES & BEANS"

What is the Best time to Eat "PULSES & BEANS"

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Best time to Eat "WALNUTS"

What is the Best time to Eat "Walnuts"

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